The Work

The work Gayle facilitates is highly transformational and accelerated. One can get huge results and make big shifts in a short amount of time. This work:

  • clears obstacles to your highest good.

  • aligns you with the next level of your higher life purpose

  • increases your vibration, radiance, and power

  • facilitates meeting the right person or being in the right relationship

  • fosters personal, spiritual, and professional ascension

  • increases your clarity, brilliance, and effectiveness

  • helps you attract complementary partners or appropriate resources in
    regards to a career, special project or mission

  • helps you receive greater support and love

  • facilitates opportunities, miracles and synchronicity

Clients report increases in:

abundance ~ peace ~ personal power ~ prosperity ~ harmony in relationships (partner, family, pets, friends, colleagues, authority figures) ~ quantum leaps of growth ~ being centered ~ confidence ~ happiness ~ vitality ~ joy ~ motivation ~ enthusiasm ~ wellness on the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional levels ~ awareness of their life purpose and higher self ~ opportunities ~ and luck

I love doing this work. My passion is to help clear your blocks ‘til your life rocks! It is truly gratifying to witness the shifts, blessings, growth, and improvements in the lives of people after they have received this work. Oftentimes, people come to me with one particular issue and other issues in their life get cleared up in the process and many aspects of their lives improve. I feel truly blessed to be an instrument of this work. I am guided to charge for it and this what I do for my living. However, the price is also dictated by Spirit and is based mainly upon the value of transformation one receives from a session and what is required or the amount of overhead from me. I, also, voluntarily spend several hours a week in meditative lightwork to help increase the consciousness of the planet and to assist the human and the animal population.

The Celestial light I work with propitiates what is for highest good. This means it may or may not facilitate exactly what your personality self desires unless the desire you have is for the highest good, meaning ultimately for your highest benefit. If the desire you have is ultimately not for your greater good, this work will likely not facilitate you getting that, but this work will facilitate instead what is for your highest good and will ultimately help you to be happier and healthier. (The innate wisdom in this can be seen and understood with the old idiom that says essentially: be careful what you wish for, because you might get it!) For example, a couple had a desire to move to a certain home, but as much as they wanted to move there, it was not for the highest good. In truth it was important for them to connect with people in a different neighborhood in order to facilitate their life purpose. So, even though another person’s offer was accepted for the home they originally wanted, they quickly found another house that in some ways they liked way better and when seeing it just knew in their hearts that this is where they wanted to live. With this home, their offer is approved and very soon they are moving into a beautiful new home-that is way more perfect for them than the first one they made an offer on.

To explore the opportunity of doing work with me to help realize your goals and dreams, please call (734) 327-8423.